WYLER AG located in Winterthur, Switzerland has a tradition of more than 75years in the field of precision inclination measurement. Thanks to the use of most modern technologies and the consequent and continuous development of new products WYLER has as international reputation as the leading company for high precision inclination measuring equipment and systems. The product range starts from precision spirit levels and goes to complex electronic measuring system including the correspondent data acquisition software.

Clinometer 80
The CLINOMETER 80 is particularly suitable for precisely measuring angular deviation in any inclination on flat surfaces and shafts (with prismatic base only). Measuring range ± 180 degrees.

Blue Clino High Precision
Is based on the BlueCLINO. With its scraped bases and a smaller measuring range of ±20mm/m, it is very well suited for precision measurements on machines.
Measuring Range + Sensitivity
±20 mm/m + 0.005 mm/m

Blue System SIGMA
A high precision and compact inclination measuring instrument, perfectly suited for the alignment of machines and machine parts as well as for flatness-measurements on surface plates.
Measuring Range + Sensitivity
±20 mm/m + 0.001 mm/m

BlueLevel -2D
A high precision and compact inclination measuring instrument for two axes, perfectly suited for the alignment of machines and machine parts.
Measuring Range + Sensitivity
±20 mm/m + 0.001 mm/m

Clinotronic Plus
The compact inclination measuring instrument Clinotronic PLUS provides a measuring capacity of ±45 degrees. Four precisely machined exterior reference surfaces assure accuracy and repeatability of measurements in any quadrant.
Measuring Range + Sensitivity
±45° + 5 arcsec

Clinotronic S
Precise handheld instrument with wireless data transmission for the measurement of large inclinations. Clinotronic S is building on the success of the Clinotronic PLUS.

Horizontal spirit level 55 “SPIRIT”
The HORIZONTAL SPIRIT LEVEL 55 SPIRIT is suitable for measurements on horizontal surfaces and shafts Optional magnetic inserts assure an excellent adhesion to shafts and surfaces.

Magnetic spirit level 48 SPIRIT
The MAGNETIC SPIRIT LEVEL 48 SPIRIT is a universal spirit level, particularly suitable for measurements on vertical and horizontal surfaces and shafts.

Nivel Swiss – Digital
The inclination measuring instrument Nivel Swiss-D, an electronic inclinometer with digital display, is well known and well established in the machine tool industry.
Measuring Range + Sensitivity
±0.150 … ±0.750 mm/m + 0.001 … 0.005 mm/m

Magnetic Angle Spirit Level 47
The MAGNETIC ANGLE SPIRIT LEVEL 47 is suitable for measurements on vertical surfaces and shafts. The magnetic inserts assure an excellent adhesion to vertical shafts and surfaces.

Wyler Software
The software to measure the geometry of objects and machine tools such as straightness of
guideways, flatness of surfaces including both granite tables as well as machine tables and
parallelism of guideways.squareness of vertical machine elements compared to horizontal parts.
Universal: Wyler Software makes it possible to input measurement readings not only from WYLER
inclination measuring instruments tools, but also from laser interferometers and autocollimators.